White Feminisms

Dividing and conquering victims of gendered violence? Sick

Thar she goes again. Britannia, I mean, with her ol’ divide and conquer. Black women are being failed by cops, so says the new CEO at Refuge, a service that cut culturally sensitive refuges for women on the fringes the second the Tories introduced their inherently racist and sexist policies for the sector. They’re playing hot potato. They’re shifting the blame when this is a racist country and they’re all guilty of everything.

They want black and Asian women to fight it out over who is the most victimised. This is a tired tactic.

I, as an Asian woman, could tell you plenty about how the cops have failed Asian women. How the first victims of Asian grooming gangs were their own wives and daughters, and were never afforded justice because they weren’t even recognised. I could tell you a thing or 2 about the inherently racist and sexist (yes, sexist) ideas middle class white women have of we lesser mortals, even in a supposedly professional healing environment, but nobody wants to listen to that.

We are minority women, whether we are black or Asian. At least for many of us born here we have English as a first language and can go into a mainstream refuge if needs be.. what about the women with no recourse to public funds, of which there will be many more now? Those who do not have English as a first language? It’s so easy for powerful white people at the heads of their organisations to provide sound bites that appear to be helpful when they are anything but, to those of us who have worked in the domestic violence sector and witnessed firsthand the apathy white leaders have for anyone who is not white. Culturally sensitive provision is an afterthought, the crumbs they throw us when all is hunkydory in their white centric universe.

They’re all in it together, Cath.

Glinner, Glinner, on the wall

I wrote a post about Graham Linehan in 2013, when I suspected he was just another dirty little racist. I was shocked, I hadn’t quite anticipated the nastiness but he’s nothing if not consistent. Scratch a racist, smell a terf.

Proof that liberals will swing all the way over to fascism when they don’t get their own way. Imagine identifying something as a hate forum but then changing your mind cos you have all the same enemies. Sounds like fash to me.

Still aware that Kiwi Farms is essentially a hate site menacing minorities but who the fuck cares when they’re on your side! At this stage most decent people would question themselves but not our Glinner! What a messed up little puppy.

Twitter and their treasured pals, the dealth cult Kiwi Farms

I had my first run in with Kiwi Farms on twitter in 2014. Every time I reported Moon’s accounts, of which he’d change the last letter or two (meaning he was readily identifiable) he’d log in to another account. It was as though he had them ready. I resolved to just keep blocking him especially after Twitter informed me there was nothing wrong with racialised threats to rape and kill me, and the cops backed them up.

Moon’s sole objective was to force me to lock my account down so that I would not have access to a following, so that I would be silenced. I had vowed to never do this, that I would not let them make me afraid and they took it as some kind of challenge. Moon made out it was his duty to stomp on my free speech because I’d had the audacity to parrot white middle class feminists who’d invoked the words of the radical 70s feminist Valerie Solanos. I was never the first nor the only one who’d uttered the words “kill all men” but it was the justification Kiwi Farms used for their attacks on me, bombarding me with images of violent gendered and racialised rape and murder and describing in detail what they hoped to do to me (and minors in my family). Moon actually tried to hit on me, sending me a passport sized photo of him, insinuating that all he really needed was to get laid. They hacked my online spaces, hunted down my family members, sent me instructions to kill myself and promised to rape and kill me every day for months on end. I don’t know how I survived, perhaps a part of me did die, the part that gives even the tiniest fuck for the system that birthed such an evil and enabled it. Tear the entire shit show down for all I care, here *hands over the matches*

My personal hopes and dreams for the future asides, a fact was brought to my attention today. It would appear Joshua Conner Moon (aka James Gabriel Potter) is so brazen in his untouchability he feels emboldened enough to not only cry us a river from his Twitter account (from which he and any associated accounts should have been banned many years ago) regarding the rather sophisticated and sustained DDoS attacks to honour Near but to actually use the name Kiwi Farms, as though it is not heavily implicated in investigations into terrorism the world over? Social media tag your posts if you so much as allude to covid yet they really seem to struggle to get a a handle on fascists, especially the infamous ones using racial slurs every other word, proudly linked to a growing suicide count.

These Twitter mfers banned me for rejecting Priti Patel on the grounds she was right wing. They suspended me once for saying we should set wildlife on the trophy hunters who end their lives. I cannot even be hyperbolic yet the guy who platformed the New Zealand terrorist’s live footage killing Muslims even after cops had told him to take it down, he who evades the FBI and police forces across Canada, America, New Zealand, Australia and the UK gets to hide in full view of his victims, who are re-victimised over and over every time he does this? Twitter shut me down every time I took on a violent male Tory, I was banned for my professional takes as an expert on gendered violence.

There isn’t a law you can make me obey now. Not a single fucking one.

We are not going to achieve justice here with the help of the authorities, I have no doubt they are all on the same side. We have to take this son of a bitch down by any means necessary. Yeah, this is a threat to Kiwi Farmers, especially Joshua Conner Moon, I will kill the fuck out of you given half the chance.

The fault here does not lie squarely with the dirty fash, I am bitter still about the time I tried to connect the dots between Moon and his friends in high places and was told I was catastrophising and potentially leading everyone down a rabbit hole. I have a sixth sense for patterns, for reading between the lines, seeing those things everyone else misses and I remember the exchange I hadn’t had time to screenshot, between Moon and someone from another of the lolcow adjacent sites. They were a small group then, something we could have easily snuffed out. Everyone was so busy doing the rational thing then that anyone who might have chanced upon absurdity was themselves labelled an absurdist. As if I had the power. Yet still, even within our own groups people are hesitant to call out this network of powerful fascists. Perhaps it is fear. Or an impossibility when you have never had to struggle against anything like it in the past. Maybe they just don’t get sociopaths. Luckily, I do. I see the strings.

The time for dialogue with ‘authorities’ is long past. The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Thank you to the hackers making Moon work that much harder for his cash. Any ideas on how to make life difficult irl would be also be much appreciated.

White feminists, *now* will you listen?

(I first asked this question in 2012)

In the days since the news broke that a serving police officer was allegedly responsible for the disappearance and murder of a young woman, the world witnessed unprecedented scenes of outrage and righteous condemnation of the police. The cops responded by clamping down on peaceful vigils for Sarah Everard, throwing women to the floor and amping up the palpable tension around a protest against one of theirs. These people are charged with the duty to serve and protect and rather than listen the coppers doubled down.

Met Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick went the way of the tories, absolutely refusing to resign even though she’s really shit at her job. Extra judicial killings (Jean Charles de Menezes) notwithstanding, she has defended racist policies and continues to fuck up in the full beam of the public spotlight, yet she’s always around to fuck up another day. The honours system is code for those in possession of the nastiest secrets, who can be bought and sold so long as they do the bidding of the ghouls up top.

It doesn’t seem as though this will lose its momentum, a corner has been turned and people who actually have the power to affect change are rattled. It is as if their eyes have been opened for the very first time and there can be no turning back. Of course my first thought was “hallelujah, finally” but that quickly turned into resentment and bitterness. When the police brutalised antifa activists at our counter protests against fascists as far back as 2014, the liberal white feminist reasoned we probably deserved it and labelled our section of the left as bad as the far right with their horse shoe theory. Nobody defended our right to protest, kettles were deemed within the remit of the police doing their jobs effectively and threats to purchase water cannons and rubber bullets barely elicited a response from the mainstream. They didn’t care if the cops were racist, that wasn’t the battle where feminism was concerned, even though many British women have to navigate rainy fascist island on a daily basis.

They came for us and feminists said we probably deserved it.

For as long as the police protected white middle class people, the white mainstream, feminists an’ all were happy to look the other way. It took for someone who looks like them for them to sit up and react. That fear and paranoia that reverberated all through the land is the norm for women of colour from the minute we are born. We can be menaced by racists and rapists alike and we can’t ever report it to the police because they do not give a shit. It is unbearable and sometimes you feel like you cannot breathe, heck give it a few decades and you might develop a stomach ulcer just like I did. We were pre-emptively arrested and held without due cause or process but there were no protests against these serious miscarriages of justice. The cops didn’t feel so empowered overnight, to treat otherwise decent law abiding citizens like criminals, the change has been incremental, every time the masses stayed silent and enabled the shift to the right, because real socialism was such a scary prospect for self serving bigots.

Pastor Niemoller was onto something with his passage on solidarity. Sadly, the British people might have learnt this lesson a little too late.

Fascists Feeling the Fear

You can bet 45 is ruing the day he decided to appear on The Apprentice. With ‘You’re Fired’ trending on Twitter and the familia Trump thus far unable or unwilling to react to the news they are no longer relevant, the world is breathing a collective sigh of relief, that tomorrow might be a brighter day. One can only hope warrants are being drawn up to this end and justice will prevail but if the past few days are anything to go by we’re in for a long wait.

On this side of the pond our own HLew is getting her long overdue comeuppance. Ubisoft had featured her in one of their game podcasts as a character known simply as ‘Helen’ who “discusses the creeping threat of fascism (!) in the game’s world and how it’s worked in the past as a political ideology” but they removed her after discovering some of her bigoted past comments. Perhaps she’s just not very clever but transphobia is a precursor to fascism, long before the Jews were sent to their deaths, the Nazis rounded up queers and non cis individuals who were organised into groups and branded with a mark to denote their anomalous gender identity. This made it easier to eventually round them up and kill them. I commend Ubisoft for their actions but am left wondering when she will be held to account for her racism too. It was people like Helen Lewis and her protege Laurie Penny who minimised the threat of fascism, enabling it by affording fascists a platform whilst simultaneously attacking any and all who objected to their dangerous behaviour.

Predictably the commentariat have gone after Ubisoft with a dogpile, many of them senior staff at their respective papers, an action that in the past would have threatened their victim’s livelihoods, as it did for many, but might not hold as much weight now, in a post Trump universe.

And if that wasn’t the best news you’ve had in 2020, a silver lining to a story that has had me massaging my temples in despair, the mounting cost to the fur trade following the culling of 17 million minks in Denmark owing to a covid mutation where it passed from human to mink and back again, with over 200 people infected currently. One strain in particular is a cause for concern as it is less sensitive to antibodies and will affect vaccine development. As disgusted as I was to learn there is still such a demand for fur, I admire nature for getting her own back. Scientists say that mink farming will only make the pandemic worse so here’s hoping we can put an end to it altogether, for the sake of the human race.

Otherwise, happy apocalypse and cheers!

*Maybe the coronavirus is Muslim, the way it’s threatening to cancel Christmas an’ that.

For Everyone Who Needs to See It

Honour Based Violence in the British Royal Family

If we were to spend our lives believing everything the way it is presented to us by those in power, it might work out easier for us in the long run, to leave all the important decisions to somebody else but for those of us who choose to think critically, those of us who value honesty so much we are willing to suffer for it, the world is a stage and the 1% actors, presenting the side of themselves they believe we wish to see. There is no better example of this than the British royal family. ‘Sources’ reporting to the tabloids are palace staff, if not members of the royal family themselves. There is an army of royal correspondents, attached to their respective papers and broadcasting stations, and every last one is a royalist, prepared to read out official statements and pass them off as personal opinion. They hold dress rehearsals for funerals years in advance. The royal family is a live soap opera, fulfilling ideals of fairy tales that are poured into little ears from the moment the midwife assigns us female.

What nobody seems to consider, ever, not even the superior white feminists for whom femininity is a curse, is how the women who marry into the royal family are often treated as pariahs, as though they should be grateful for their privileges and in exchange cannot be allowed to have feelings ever again. Kate Middleton is one example of a woman who submitted, she has made herself small (quite literally) and churned out those heirs like a good un, never speaking out of turn or hinting at a personality. When Markle gave birth the papers were placing bets on when Kate would pop next, like it’s a competition for the queen’s affections. As the oldest daughter in law, wife of the heir apparent, she is given preferential treatment, like access to looted Mughal jewels, whereas Markle is forbidden (according to the Daily Express who like to take a royal press release and make it their own). It actually makes me laugh because the royal family conducts itself in exactly the same way as those who engage in honour based violence in the South Asian diaspora have done; the eldest son is in charge and his wife is given first dibs on everything, promoting inequality and ill feeling.

Familial abuse is an issue I am familiar with, from personal experience but also in my professional career as a women’s worker. More often than not it is considered a cultural matter because South Asian families stick together as opposed to moving away when they go to university or get married. It is something I grappled with growing up, this notion that certain suitors might estrange you from the family, as a result most people married within the clan to avoid such grievances. If everyone knows what is expected of them there’s less chance of conflict further down the line. This is what the royal family did themselves, the queen was betrothed to her cousin as a young child (still feel sickened by the news reel gushing about this child being in love with a grown man), and Prince Charles was related to Diana in a number of ways, not least because they shared Henry Tudor as an ancestor. If the royals hadn’t been white and immensely privileged, you could say it was a Forced Marriage. Look at the misery they endured for the length of their union and how Diana felt she’d done her bit providing an heir and a spare. Imagine if she’d had girls!

When Piers Morgan attacked Markle with the words “I always thought you’d do this anyway” he sounded like the in laws on Bhaji on the Beach (a film about honour violence made in 1993) attacking their dark skinned daughter in law (who’d married their son for love against their wishes) for leaving the family after he’d beaten her, claiming that the darker ones are sly and can’t be trusted. Morgan insists he is not racist and this is not about racism but he’s an ex tabloid editor, and has always been untrustworthy. Why is he allowed an opinion? I ran away from home at the age of 15 because I was sick of outsiders inserting themselves into familial matters as though they are personally invested when in actual fact they thrive off drama and conflict, and are always looking to settle old scores. Morgan has been waiting for the opportunity to let rip, because he is a savvy racist and knows how to play the game. This is about Meghan Markle being an outsider, not least because she is black and won’t bow down to pressure. What else could have informed his childish prophecy?

When racists have attempted to rationalise their prejudice for me, they often bring up the refusal of other groups to assimilate, and the resistance to intermarriage, to their chagrin. At the heart of it they fear rejection so pre-emptively reject the rejecters, at least that is what they say. The Royal Family is surely an example of this, they are supported by like minded die hard colonialists who do not assimilate yet stand apart from the rest of us, because they like to feel special, and they actively resist outsiders, demanding they fall into line if they should break through or else risk the wrath of the entire establishment. They are the most intolerant of all.

How is that the most public family in all of Great Britain escapes the attentions of the authorities, whether they are sexually abusing children or domestically abusing their wives and daughters in law? Emotional abuse is actually illegal in the UK but then so is racism and very little gets done about that. Women’s safety groups should be advocating for Meghan Markle, as a victim of familial honour based violence, she has “brought shame to the family” and is therefore at her most vulnerable (Diana died for her efforts). Antiquated beliefs such as this are mocked by the authorities when the victim is South Asian, as though we are backwards and savage yet the world’s media is happy to reinforce it for the royal family.

Aren’t you sick of the hypocrisy?

They wanna live like Common People

With less than 2 years since they were married, Harry and Meghan announced they would be stepping down as senior royals to focus on their own work away from the prying eyes of the scavengers we call the British press. There is no doubt it is in part due to the controversy surrounding sadistic Prince Andrew in recent weeks but that’s hardly the crux of it, they’ve proved (since her internment) not to have the slightest regard for her well-being; hosting state banquets for fascists like Trump (never mind the swooning speeches in his honour) and those closer to home, for eg the Blackamoor badge wearing Princess Michael of Kent. I would imagine Markle has never felt so unsafe, and Harry, for the first time in his life, has some appreciation of what life is like when you are not white (irrespective of all her other privileges).

One only needs to read the comments, snide remarks about how she’s holding on to her man and he’s never looked so miserable. In every shot, Harry is pointedly staring at something in the distance, bothered by whatever it is that has grabbed his attention whilst Meghan has on her camera face, her features fixed like Fort Knox, impenetrable to the braying mob making demands of her. I recognise that face, as people of colour we have long cultivated an image we present of ourselves in the face of unrepentant racism – for survival – that we somehow didn’t hear or understand what was said and therefore won’t react. They like to bait us, racists, they want us to fly at them so they can confirm we are savages, caught in the act. Personally, I am not bothered what racists think of me, if I’m a savage then so be it but that’s my privilege (?) as an unrefined working class granddaughter of immigrants.

What really riles me about this entire incident (making it my business) is the faux outrage from certain sections of the white supremacist commentariat, namely one Sarah Vine (famous for her appalling taste in men). She has stuck the boot in at every opportunity with microaggressions and continues to attack Meghan Markle, now suggesting the latter is undeserving of the honour bestowed upon her by the British monarchy and its loyal subjects. She asks “what happened to the enchanting couple we fell in love with?” Sarah, duck, that’s not love you have been heaping on them all these months, you sad, deranged, damaged adult child.

How can we expect this she ogre to appreciate the incongruence of her words? The truth is an inconvenience that is easily remedied with coercive power. Sarah Vine reminds me of every power tripping racist I have ever met; constantly reaffirming that you are shit, because you are not white, yet you must show (on request) gratitude for the slightly elevated experience you get for marrying a white guy. It’s a reminder that you will never be one of them, and then they have the gall to pretend they liked you (for a poc).

“Go home if you don’t like it” they snap when we complain of racism. They want us to suffer or get out altogether. How dare Meghan Markle take her power back? That’s what Vine is really saying, that the privileges of royalty negate the myriad of ways she is oppressed as a black woman. It really is insufferable the way establishment hangers on attempt to ingratiate themselves by fawning over the worst humanity has to offer. The royals are a motley crew of paedophile rapists, racists and adulterers who haven’t done an honest day’s work for centuries. At least the olde worlde kings – and even some queens – fought their own battles, alongside their subjects. I have no problem with legitimate authority, but these tiara wearing benefit scroungers are as vulgar as can be. Look at what you have to do in order to be accepted into the fold, poor Kate Middleton is a literal sliver of the woman she used to be. She also has a stage face and speaks as though she isn’t quite sure of herself but you wouldn’t know it from any of the official photos.

For a woman marrying into the royal family, there is only one role; stoic, submissive and enamoured with your prince charming, regardless of where he’s sticking his dick. I have a feeling Meghan Markle had to draw the line early on and I respect her for that. Even more for rejecting the royals and holding on to her man. For Prince Harry I have a little begrudging respect, I still haven’t forgotten his little paki friend but he has been using his position to raise awareness of the insidiousness of racism and a little goes a long way from the top.

As for the royal family, I had never quite appreciated how dysfunctional they were but the way they so readily sell each other out has been a revelation. For sure, Prince Andrew should be disowned but the way his daughters are rumoured to be paying for the sins of their father, well, that’s just shameful. In a similar fashion, senior royals, ie daddy and granny are distancing themselves from the disenchanted couple, shaking free the dead leaves in dramatic statements about how they are heartbroken and will shun the deserters. They love money and power so much, family members are completely expendable.

I guess we realised that when Diana died (who’d be so proud right now, not even kidding).

No Shit, New Statesman

The New Statesman has made the shock announcement it is refusing to endorse the Labour party at the next election, adding that Jeremy Corbyn is “unfit to be prime minister”. The supposedly left leaning magazine (I guess it depends on perspective, if you’re rooted on the far right then anything’s possible) has apparently for the first time since its inception in 1913 refused to back the Labour party owing to its stance on antisemitism and Brexit.

Never mind that Jeremy was officially put on record as having apologised on national TV on Phil and Holly’s sofa only yesterday, following on from the 100s of apologies he has made to Jewish groups personally and on social media, the NS continues to maintain the fabrication that he has refused to say sorry. They also persistently deceive readers on the Euro issue but then they are quite accustomed to making up the news in pursuit of power.

Never forget it was the NS who yearned for a Farage of the Left, at a time when violence against visibly Muslim poc was escalating, and a hostile tory environment was threatening the lives of all marginalised people, Helen Lewis was asking why there wasn’t a white supremacist fOr ThE lEfT. She acknowledged that most voters were to the left of Labour but hadn’t quite banked on a non racist like Jeremy. She wanted a less right wing Farage!

It was the NS that pushed the transphobic agenda of fascist white feminists. They gave nazi incels a platform, infantilising white supremacists with murderous intentions, like Milo who in his 30s, was anything but a misunderstood kid. They went for every vocal woman of colour who dared to object to their narrative of division and hate and with it brought a tidal wave of online harassment and stalking from white supremacists seemingly working in tandem to drive us off social media. The New Statesman has been a gatekeeper, a force for oppression, all whilst masquerading as the authority on all matters left of centre when a cursory glance at a list of their faves proves they have a very specific agenda that in no way mirrors that of the electorate.

They are a dying neo-liberal breed clinging on for dear life and pulling out all the stops, even risking the magazine’s entire reputation (as if it weren’t already in tatters).

In all fairness, Corbyn’s revolution has been in the making for as long as the NS has been around. For over 100 years the working classes and the actual left have been struggling to come to the fore, marginalised by old boys dominating the spectrum, leaving the majority of citizens despondent in their apathy, well “nothing changes anyway does it?” I said it myself for years and never voted, except this is the first time it might. For as long as the NS has been around, the establishment and their minions have constructed and infiltrated leftist institutions in order to control the flow of power. For the first time in over 100 years the conditions are right for an actual revolution, one that will transfer power to people who genuinely care about others and punish those who would greedily hoard the world’s resources for themselves. This is why the NS has taken a stand, nothing more.

I’m glad the NS isn’t voting Labour, finally the news is sounding a little less fake and more in line with reality. The NS is privileged enough to sit back and sulk whilst the poor, the disabled, single mums, students, foreign nationals, the unemployed, the employed but starving etc live the next few weeks on a rollercoaster of abject terror tempered with occasional hope.

The last decade has been a living hell and anyone who isn’t voting Labour hasn’t suffered enough. It’s good to know who your comrades are on The Left, the NS has proved unequivocally it is not and never was on our side.

Asian Grooming Gangs Were A Cover Up For Endemic Sex Abuse In The UK

Imagine if the mainstream media actually cared about sex abuse instead of using it to deflect attention away from white sex abusers. They might join the dots to give us an accurate assessment of the extent to which we are in trouble.

From releasing the most depraved of sex abusers (as though you can rehabilitate these monsters and so quickly) to the minimisation of crimes committed by people in authority, we are fighting a losing battle with coercive power.

George was sentenced for her part in the 2009 Plymouth grooming gang case.
Despite the damning evidence (see next image) this rapist was cleared of rape
If this isn’t evidence, then what is?

He’s not the only rapist with a get out of jail free card.

An honourable and disciplined man were it not for the 3000 images of toddler sex abuse.

Any decent person would balk at these comments. I don’t give a fuck if he’s polite and good at his job, he is aroused by violence against children! What a sick justice system we have, where all Asians can be held to account for a minority of perpetrators and yet white sex abusers of babies get a commendation from officials charged with upholding the law.

I wonder how this perp’s trial will go down.

Is it a condition for public office in some circles, to join a paedophile ring? There seems to be a heavy correlation between people drawn to political office and sex abuse of minors. See next image.
Faces the boot but nothing has been decided..

Like this Cambridge egghead, they’ll let him back in when everyone moves on to the next thing.

I dread to think this is happening all over the UK, where there appears to have been a resolution only for authorities to backtrack once enough time has passed.

This former Royal Ballet star obviously doesn’t have the connections you need to wriggle out of sex charges.

Nor this working class offender.

To clarify, I’m not sad they’ve been brought to justice, merely pointing out what sets these perps apart from the ones who walk away scot free

The chap below was given a 10 month jail term suspended for two years after he convinced the judge he’d suffered enough being estranged from his wife and two daughters. Must have friends in high places, with his £8 million family engineering business.

And this barrister, a 24 month community order for upskirting. A former government lawyer trusted to observe and uphold the law caught breaking it in such an appalling way, shouldn’t he have been made an example of? If he was black or brown you bet he would have been.

From lawyers to cops, the authorities are littered with men and women who violate the law with impunity. I can’t think of a worse time to be a female cop, when the MeToo movement is so prolific and yet conviction rates for sex abuse are at an all time low.

To be so brazen, so carefree, even in these times, is frankly frightening.

Sex abusers have ramped up the violence in recent years because they have witnessed the consequences i.e there are none (unless you’re Asian or in some other way marginalised as opposed to privileged).

Even more disturbing is the number of female offenders actually making the news. I’m yet to find one who isn’t white but I am actively looking.

Seems children aren’t safe anywhere. Not even in nursery.

The accused is male but most nursery staff are female and this isn’t the first time small children have been targeted in a pre school environment. Nowhere is safe until we start having a frank discussion about the profiling of sex offenders in the UK.

We need to acknowledge the entitlement that informs the actions of sex abusers and how we treat survivors. When MPs like Nigel Evans are acquitted despite testimonies from multiple victims it leaves me feeling hopeless for other victims in similar circumstances.

In a country where violence against animals is on the increase, we can only expect more violence against women and children.

You can judge a country for the way it treats its most vulnerable.

Do we have to seek our own justice? Reading this gave me a sense of peace.

Ditto this one.

Releasing sex abusers, when they cannot be rehabilitated, is like throwing a ticking time bomb into the community, it is only a matter of time before they offend again. This evil pos sexually assaulted a 5 year old girl in front of her shocked mother on the train home right after he was released.

He got 26 months for the latest assault so we’ll just have to wait and see what he does next time he’s released

We cannot trust the authorities, they have led us on a wild goose chase that has promoted violence against an ethnic group (and enabled further abuser of marginalised women and children) rather than admit the truth which is Britain is heaving with vile sex offenders, from Mountbatten to Prince Andrew and the media and political heavyweights. We can go along with this narrative and hope our own children are never targeted but there are no guarantees.

What we do now will have repercussions through history.