I was locked out of Twitter for a week last Tuesday evening for this tweet.

Granted this might hurt the feelings of those who endorse the genocide of Muslims. But it’s the truth.

I hadn’t logged into the email account associated with it in a while and didn’t receive any notifications for the shadow banning my account was under the previous week for these tweets.

It is not the first time this tweet has been reported and previously I won the appeal. Why has it failed this time? Mark Meecham taught his dog to do nazi salutes yet was never labelled an antisemite, paid a paltry fine and got away with it. Zionist ‘comedians’ came to his defence to say it was not antisemitic. How have I violated Twitter’s arbitrary standards by stating facts? Where is the hateful conduct? This is fascism.

It’s no big deal, I’ve had a great week, looking after myself and doing things that only benefit me. Logging in for a daily dose of genocide takes its toll, we should all be taking breaks where we can.

They also limited the visibility of some of my other tweets.

Asking a simple question can get you in trouble these days.

Meanwhile they can threaten me with rape and genital mutilation, tell me my brown skin is ugly and that I should scrub it with bleach and Twitter just doesn’t care.

Why is the mainstream media trying to normalise sociopathy?

I tried to post something to facebook about it and before I even pressed send, a message popped up about some kind of technical error. I tried to post about being banned on Twitter a couple of days back and it deleted that post too. I’m not saying there is a concerted effort to stifle dissent but I tend to take things on face value.

I read this from Business Insider on the 3rd April. This poor misunderstood sociopath wants you to know she has feelings too. Sure, she has an uncontrollable urge to dominate and subdue people, almost constantly, but we shouldn’t make her feel bad about it, it hurts HER feelings. She mostly feels sorry for herself but at least it’s an emotion eh? Look, she took flowers to the funerals she gatecrashed, not because that would help her blend in, but because that’s what you do when you go to a funeral, even one you are not invited to. So she stole your car, at least it came back with a full tank.. she could have run it off a cliff. Be grateful, won’t you?

I’m not your average Lad Bible reader but my news aggregator finds articles it thinks I will be interested in. Like this one. I didn’t read it in fact, I stopped at ‘misunderstand’ in the title. Just another misunderstood sociopath using a mainstream platform to appeal to our humanity, even though they could never reciprocate if the shoe were on the other foot. Your appeals would fall flat, in fact the more you appeal to their good nature the more they get off on your distress. I have had sociopaths laugh in my face whilst there were tears streaming down it, it seemed to arouse them. They will never feel anything for you, that’s a guarantee. They are assured they are predatory for a reason, because they are better than you. They exist for a good reason, to help natural selection along, if we are to believe their advocates.

The normalisation of anti social disorders and criminality of the (predominantly 1%) is not a new thing. Look at the way the media sensationalises serial killers. How it encourages ordinary people to show an interest, for eg, as a young teenager in the 90s, I collected 4 parts of a serial killer anthology that was advertised on mainstream TV, you got a free binder with the first copy and it was aimed at people in my age bracket. I stopped after I read the one about the Japanese cannibal. I guess, for me at that age, serial killing had been normalised but eating their victims was just one step too far.

It’s no accident these articles are doing the rounds at a time when sociopaths and their slightly scarier friends, psychopaths, have tortured and murdered innocent Palestinian children. We social types have been convinced to a degree that war is a necessary evil, for ‘our way of life’ but we recognise the far reaching impact murdering innocent civilians will have on us all. This is not a war but a genocide. This is a battle for all our souls, and our humanity.

Anti social predators that make up around 10% (I base this on the total number of pro Israeli posts on the internet) of the entire world have held us all to ransom for 100s of years, over some mythical civilisation that only exists in the white west. In recent weeks I have been reminded by the white overlords that I am in this country only because they allow me to be and they are quite happy for me to have my vagina cut up, and to be covered in a shroud and only permitted to speak when a man lets me, which is apparently what is going to happen to me if I do not endorse mass killings and graves, or the torturous suffocation and starvation they inflicted on those premature newborns, or the systematic rape and torture of all their victims regardless of age or gender. The routine amputations without anaesthetic. WCNSF, letters that send a shudder down my spine every time. “He’s our son now” a phrase that just randomly pops into my head when I’m not expecting it. I like many others with intergenerational trauma have been triggered by the suffering of the Palestinians and we will not let it go.

All of this violence and suffering is justifiable, according to white supremacists, for the freedom I have in the west to walked around naked if I so choose. Firstly this is a lie, as we are reminded when we are raped and they ask us about what we were wearing. But more to the point, it’s not worth it? Perhaps it is easier for me to change, because I grew up with more than one culture, but I would like to think it is because I own my desires and impulses and have learnt what feels good isn’t necessarily good for me or anyone else. I am prepared to flip the world upside down so that we can make all children safe again. Their innocence trumps my appetites. Something that cannot be said for sociopaths, you can’t rely on them, they have no principles, no integrity, they cannot ever prioritise another over themselves. They might do well in the individualistic west, which is constructed to benefit the anti social brigade first and foremost, but they would fail at any collective endeavour. They are not team players. They are not like you and me. They can only learn how to do an impression of a regular human being, to say things that will endear them to others but there’s no cure for it. Centuries of unfettered entitlement and freedom to commit the most sickening abuses all over the global south is going to produce these kinds of individuals. I wouldn’t be surprised if they were overrepresented in the west, as we can reasonably guess from serial killer stats, where America, in 1st position, has more serial killers than the rest of the top 5 combined and the UK comes in 2nd.

Beware of the sociopaths and psychopaths in charge of all our institutions.

Don’t believe anything you read.

Tell Mama? Tell ’em to fuck off

I felt compelled to write this after seeing a post on an extended family member’s status update about the escalation in Islamophobia and what to do about it if you are personally affected. They had provided a screenshot of the Tell Mama website, encouraging their followers to report to them. I immediately replied to the post and explained that I thought I was friends with Fiyaz until he blocked me for saying David Aaronovitch was an Islamophobe, that Tell Mama is a home office front intended to manage the Muslim response to all the attacks against them, and that Fiyaz Mughal is pro Israeli and actually an ex Muslim. He identifies as a Muslim to convince people he is trustworthy but he is doing the work of an OBE, maintaining the empire that killed our shared ancestors in a genocide.

There is a belief among Tory Muslims, the rich and privileged, that Muslim Jewish unity is only possible if Muslims submit to white supremacy and zionism. (In fact you can only be a victim of racism if you have first shown complete and total reverence to white supremacy, otherwise you deserve it). They internalised the narrative that Muslims are somehow uniquely savage and the world must be protected from them. Whenever I became wistful about returing to the homeland and building it up, Fiyaz would pop up to remind me that even with racism we have it far better here.. This argument would stand if we had not just witnessed the ongoing genocide of innocent women and children in Palestine, committed by zionists and endorsed by their white supremacist friends in the West. I’m sure if Isis or the Taliban had left premature newborn babies to suffocate and freeze to death, the entire Muslim world would already have paid the price. If Muslims really were as savage and parasitic as their oppressors, they would be in power surely?

I first came across Fiyaz on Twitter. I had put up my granddad’s old army papers and he had deciphered the barely legible script to reveal that my ancestors were Mughals. I said no, we are Qazi, and he said yes, your ancestors changed their names when the British decreed a genocide. He told me I looked just like the Mughal princesses in the locket miniatures and would show me when I accompanied him to the British museum. He said to me “your granddad is calling to you from beyond the grave” and even wrote to me about my unique ancestry and what that could mean for my place in the world. I threw myself behind Tell Mama, retweeting all of their tweets, believing it to be a crucial service at a time it was needed the most. However as I learnt more and more about my history, and remembered some of the things that hadn’t made sense when I had witnessed them growing up, I realised that the British only managed to do what they did to my ancestors because of a familial rift, where one set complained about the other and then used it as a pretext for invasion, occupation, sexual slavery and large scale theft. I learnt that true Mughals do not use the name Mughal for fear they will be executed, even after all this time, and those who do use the name are suspicious to say the least. I resolved to keep an eye on him. Once I saw him tell a Muslim brother to “go home if you don’t like it”. Fiyaz knows the impact these words have, even moreso when they are uttered by someone who should know better. I guess he knew I was onto him because he blocked me without a second thought when I pulled him up, only for the second time mind, for enabling Islamophobes like David Aaronovitch.

Tory Muslims like Fiyaz and Sayeeda Warsi did not get to where they are by being open and honest and challenging Islamophobia. Warsi herself used the attention she was getting for her views on Palestine to share a platform with unabashed Islamophobe and anti Black racist David Baddiel. These people are used to manipulating public opinion, they know how to pull in an audience and use it to normalise bigotry. If they are the ‘good’ Muslims and Jews we really are doomed. They do not do anything for free, or out of the goodness of their hearts, but personal progression. You always have to ask, what is in it for them?

True anti racists, true anti fascists have friends from all walks of life. Our solidarity is based on our shared humanity. We share our cultures, our faiths, we celebrate their similarities and learn from the differences. We do not believe in the superiority of any one faith or culture over another, we recognise we are all praying to the same God through our respective cultural lenses. We are living proof that there is no place for hierarchies where there is true camaraderie.

If you want to be a Tory, that’s your prerogative, but don’t call yourself a Muslim, you walking oxymoron.

Natalia Fadeev The Zionist Nazi

Natalia loves to kill Palestinians and her justification is that they do not surf, so the sea belongs to her or something. I sent her a tweet in response and in less than 3 seconds I had my account locked down.

They commit genocide but we cannot even wish them karma.

I thought I was more than fair given what they are doing over there.

(People who are sexually aroused by mindnumbing violence need to be monitored not promoted)

Let’s keep an eye on her.

Downton Abbey: My Review

As with any pop culture that posits the upper classes as the protagonists, I struggled to care about Downton Abbey, even at the height of its popularity. As a tween I had (thought I had) enjoyed House of Elliot and re-runs of Upstairs, Downstairs though I couldn’t tell you anything about them, apart from the fact they felt intensely familiar. There is something about the way the British upper classes conduct themselves that hails back to a golden age for the South Asian diaspora, at least in my community. We might not have the material wealth to show for it (seeing as it was looted an’ all) but we enjoy elaborate dinners, have no problem hunting for our food, and keep the wealth (and all our dirty secrets) in the family, much like the British establishment. Yet as an adult with a somewhat heightened class consciousness there was something utterly revolting about Downton in its opening sequence that prevented me from watching it. I had tried when it first aired, but the gusto with which my then white mother-in-law-to-be had for it put me off, not least because she was completely swept away by the entirely inappropriate ‘May-December’ love affair between Anna the lady’s maid and Bates, his lordship’s butler (I still cannot abide their scenes together, either gagging my way through or skipping them altogether. Many thanks to Netflix for providing a handy forward 10 secs button).

I made another attempt following a discussion with a middle class pal, who’d been upwardly mobile but even he didn’t have the stomach for it. Who could blame him? The fawning over of toffs by their inferiors is truly a wretched sight to behold, and serves only as propaganda to legitimise the idea some are more deserving, and that this is ascribed at birth, irrespective of virtuousness (coincidentally it was the British whom inflicted primogeniture on the Mughals in India, ensuring the first born as heir, regardless of deserving).

None of the characters were particularly endearing for a start, not even the service staff (especially not and perhaps deliberately so). Mr Carson, the head butler is the worst of class traitors, bowing and scraping like a well-kempt Herman Munster, betraying his basic humanity to elevate himself to the role of man servant, and gatekeeper to a better future for his subordinates. Any time one of the lowlier staff members tries to make a dash for it, he shames them for their ambition as if they have no right. We’ve all encountered his kind, at their core is a burning self hatred and submitting to their ‘betters’ is an act of self flagellation, through which they are purified. It is a shameful thing indeed.

I had a breakthrough a few years back (possibly because I’d run out of things to watch). I was tickled by Lady Mary’s accent, mainly because the actress who plays her, Michelle Dockery, as talented as she is, can morph herself into anyone from anywhere, and it sounded so natural for her that I was confused as to why she spoke in an estuary accent for her interviews. I find myself mimicking it perfectly whenever there is call for derision, tongue firmly in cheek. In fact, I am proofreading this post in it right now. It’s so condescending, I love it.

As versatile as she is, I was perhaps a bit annoyed at her for taking on the role of her oppressors. Hailing from Romford, the daughter of a care home assistant and lorry driver, she wasn’t born with a silver spoon in her mouth and must be aware of what dramas like Downton serve to protect, the entitlement of the ruling classes. She either believes in what she is portraying, or she is furthering her own lot in life regardless of what it means for society as a whole. Downton lowered Dockery in my esteem and for this I was sad. I had very much enjoyed her work in Good Behaviour and Godless and whilst her acting is exemplary in Dowtown (is it acting though?) it changed who I thought she was as a person. In fact it did so for all the characters, Dame Maggie Smith isn’t a harmless old British stalwart, anymore than Hugh Bonneville, they actively promote the worst of Britain’s landed gentry (ie those landowners who believe they rightfully rule the world, because they personally panned for all that gold, and didn’t steal it from my ancestors). She is on hand to spin the truth till it no longer resembles even a shell of it, bestowing upon her class traitor grandson in law titles to make him appear more palatable to the other snobs. She is a liar but who cares when she is so charming in her nudge winkery? This is what the British ruling classes exemplify, projecting a veneer of respectability when they are anything but behind the facade. Another shared attribute with the community I was raised in.

Nothing demonstrates this more clearly than the scenes in which Lady Mary romps with the Turkish attache Mr Pemuk (son of one of the Sultan’s ministers). The blatant racism and gratuitous self aggrandising aside.. “a little hospitality in an English house may make all the difference to the outcome” (for an independent Albania) – puke.. covering up the sudden death of someone she had just bedded, lying about her chastity (these are their rules, remember, not mine), and involving her own mother in the execution of said cover up, should have been enough to destroy any idea of deserving this family had about themselves but they just brush it under the carpet, and pretend it never happened, even when it is brought up by the Turkish embassy. To have such power you can lie so convincingly, and to officials, to have your own working class staff bolster the lie, to protect the shaky honour of your family.. well, how Pakistani is that? I might not like the characters very much, heck I could say the same about my own family members, but I was hooked. Something about Downton spoke to my disordered brain, because they are not normal, and they do believe they are above the bounds of what is respectful and fair (as did my caregivers).

In the last series there is a discussion between Lady Rose and Lord and Lady Grantham in which they refer to the murder of Rosa Luxemburg. Lady Rose has invited Miss Bunting, a local socialist and potential romantic interest of the class traitor son in law Tom to supper as a thank you for all the work she has been doing with Daisy, the kitchen maid, much to the chagrin of her uncle, Lord Grantham, who refers to her as a ‘tinpot Rosa Luxemburg’. Lady Rose asks who she is and Cora explains that she was a communist who was shot and thrown into a river and quips that Lord Grantham wouldn’t wish such a fate on Miss Bunting to which he scoffs and grumbles like the idea isn’t so bad after all.. THIS is the true face of the British establishment. It makes a rare appearance in this televised propaganda, it is cushioned and nestled between sanctimonious airs and graces that betray the predatory and inconsequential criminality of those who believe they are superior. In my experience, the moment you profess to any kind of higher consciousness you are in fact revealing yourself to be less useful than a can of spam with a broken key.

If it seems like I have a problem with authority, let me be clear I do not. I crave legitimate authority, because it does not exist in this capitalist world and standards have slipped beyond my worst expectations. This is what happens when money talks and integrity falls by the wayside. In fact one such example features in Downton, that I somehow glazed over the first time I watched it, Lord Grantham discovers he has lost his wife’s immense fortune after the first world war, placing the future of Downton and his entire family at risk. He did this by taking a gamble, wrongly believing he’d be quids in and rolling in it. Imagine you are Robert Crawley, seeing your entire village packed off to war, knowing many of them would die in the worst possible ways and still having the greedy belly and narcissistic sociopathy of mind to invest in companies that profit from war, built upon the blown apart corpses of the working classes. He says all this like it isn’t morally repugnant and he didn’t get what he deserved, losing it all. Of course this is exactly the sort of reprehensible behaviour we are protesting to this very day, the fortune 500 trying to trick us into war every time there is conflict, because they relish it and all its spoils. They are sadistic and inhuman, why do we still put up with it?

Any working class character not in the employ of the Grantham family is instantly dislikeable, a chancer, an opportunist, driving home the point that to protest the grandeur of the immensely privileged is a question of one’s own inadequacies. They gloss over the facts, that it is the working classes who overwhelmingly suffer a country’s lot, be that war or recession. They focus on the woes of the officer class, convalescing in the grandest halls of Downton whilst any mention of the fate of the working classes is shadowed by tales of cowardice, from the execution of Mrs Patmore’s shell-shocked nephew to under butler Thomas’ self inflicted hand injury, just so he can escape the war before it is his time. For the aspirational ones, they can never shake off the constraints of generational poverty, the returning Gwen is humiliated by one of her former peers, insinuating she is a raconteur who has betrayed her roots, simply because she failed to reveal her former connections to the family, as a lowly chamber maid. Lady Mary reacts as though she were deceived, but it was easy enough for her to come to this conclusion, because they believe the working classes are untrustworthy and on some level, the ruling classes are counting on a comeuppance.

Lady Edith, perhaps conscious of this inevitability, takes on a role at a magazine, offering the perspective of the upper classes, which is anything but given the resistance she is met with by the Grantham family who would prefer to keep the classes separate, her grandmother beside herself at these forays into the world of work, not just by Edith but Lady Sybil when she trained as a nurse during the war. Work is perceived as a threat to the genteel nature of the landed gentry. By the time Sybil is married to her chauffeur husband Lady Violet enthusiastically offers to fashion him a role in any industry he should want, provided she can create a loose association with some aristocratic family or another. Work is no longer to be feared, but a convenient cover story and a way for them to appear more convivial and worthy of privilege.

I was reminded of this storyline when the New Statesman issued a condemnation of Corbyn’s Labour calling him unfit to be prime minister. I looked online for the original statement but the NS took it down, rather suspiciously. I was searching specifically for one quote about how it was the first time since 1913 they had made a decision such as this, which is right around the time the upper classes started to infiltrate work arenas, as they have depicted in Downton.

The New European writes:

“It is the first time the New Statesman has explicitly declined to back a Labour administration in the run-up to a general election since the title’s inception in 1913, the PA reports.”

100 years we have had entryists from the ghoulish class infiltrate and pervert the values of leftist organisations, dragging us all the way over to the right. Our prospects have not improved because there are gatekeepers in all industries cherry picking those it can monetise to protect the institutions whilst denying the injustices that are part and parcel of white supremacy, wherever it is inflicted.

They never seem to address the looted wealth either, where it all came from, how they achieved their titles and lands, which is strange because it is all I can see whenever I watch a period piece. Compare and contrast depictions of pre Elizabethan Britain with the Regency era, such an explosion of wealth and good taste, seemingly out of thin air, much like their enlightenment. It is why I cannot watch The Crown, even though I’ve done at least a couple of runs of Downton now, there is a degree of make believe with the latter that cannot be said of the former. The scenes in Kenya had me poised to fling my laptop out the window, the smugness and unapologetic inhumanity, those values that caricaturise the British establishment, I just didn’t have the stomach for it. And it is gut churning. In what else do the British excel, if not hypocrisy and unabashed racism?

I’ve focused a little on psyops in my recent posts and this is yet another arm of that. What better way to control (sections of) the rising masses by triggering their genetic predisposition as the bearers of multiple injustices? We all know about the holocaust and the ways in which survivors of that genocide were compensated for their suffering. Who can say the same for the black and brown peoples who were similarly extinguished by cruel and unusual Europeans striving for racial purity and supremacy? Why do the Germans hang their heads in woe when the Belgians, British and French (for eg) laud themselves as keepers of our collective moral compass? They rule by inflicting anxiety and confusion on their historical victims. The horror on the faces of the Grantham lot when Lady Rose invites the black jazz musician Jack Ross and his band to perform for Lord Grantham on his birthday, as though they were to be imminently hung drawn and quartered for their stolen jewels, once again flipped my gut on its side, as it does any time I see that look befall any pale faced deceiver. How dare they? The oppressor is at once the oppressed, giving the outsider no choice but to pander to their every whim, to prove they are not as savage as they have been depicted. If we were so savage, how did they win?

“You’re a better man than I, Gunga Din” is said a number of times during the show. What better example of British duplicity and slyness than this dishonest statement? No doubt Gunga’s head was spinning from all the psyops, just like mine. For if we were to sit back and think about it for a minute, we shouldn’t care whether they say we are savage or not and treat them as we have been treated. You can’t appeal to their humanity, they have none.

Predictably, as with any other time the dreaded issue of slavery raises its ugly head we have a well meaning Englishman remind us it was the British who led the charge against it, conveniently erasing the lapsed Brits who took it to America with them. It’s quite amusing the way the UK and US distance themselves from each other when it suits. Mr Carson proudly quotes Lord Henley’s judgment of 1763, whitesplaining his way out of accountability: “If a man sets foot on English soil then he is free”.. tell that to the Windrush generation, why don’t you? I can’t say I’ve felt free at all since 9/11, my every move dissected for proof I am a terrorist. With the new AUKUS pact for military supremacy you could erase the words of any well meaning English speaking man of the last few hundred years, at least.

None of their pop culture propaganda stands up to scrutiny but who cares when so many Americans are swept away by Downton and keeping those royalty checks rolling in? The absence of people of colour for the most part is certainly why the yanks just can’t get enough, but this is another fallacy British film and tv makers seem happy to perpetuate, that Britain was whiter than white right up until after the second world war. Granted there weren’t the numbers there were today (and even those are greatly inflated) but given that the first curry house was established in 1810, period dramas serve as a propaganda for something that just isn’t historically true. They might have tried to erase every last black and brown body off the face of the earth but they missed some of us.

When the British decreed a genocide against my ancestors, the Mughals, they demanded an end to the Timurid line, chasing and killing everyone they could find. Clearly, some of us survived. I watched with curiosity how the Grantham family shared in the woes of the remaining exiled Romanoffs and how they shamed Tom for being a socialist and in support of “killing little girls in their beds”. How hypocritical it was to allude to the viceroy’s role in India at various points in the show, when they were guilty of much worse over there. It is this split from reality, this psychopathy? sociopathy? that humanises Europeans and demands empathy from even their victims when they are the architects of such destruction and inhumanity, and we, as their victims, can barely get out of bed some days for all the violence embedded in our DNA? My grandmothers were raped by serving British soldiers and left to fend for themselves after the British legally declared them whores because they were not upper class hindus. Where is the justice for that, eh Carson lad?

Downton is a fiction in more ways than one. It is not your “way of life” that is under attack, Lady Mary, but the narrative you have constructed to legitimise your greed. You took from the colonised the concept of good living, that should be a human right not solely reserved for the sociopathic class, and transferred all your worst traits over to us, for example family honour (which can often be found between a daughter’s legs). However we are fast approaching that time in history when the tables are turned. Not a day goes by without a white knight malfunctioning and turning on his very own charges, there is only so much whitewashing the British media can get away with before it becomes endemic, and it will if they carry on ignoring the problem, just like it did in my motherland.

We talk about a deserving and undeserving poor but never the entirely undeserving rich. Perhaps Downton will serve as an example of this when we finally get our revolution. I’d put it on the syllabus for sure.

They all knew, and did nothing

10 years ago Jimmy Savile was exposed as a paedophile even though it was one of the worst kept secrets in the mainstream media. Everyone knew, as was apparent when they all crawled out the woodwork to regale us with their personal accounts of his abuses. Rather than it being an indictment of the chattering classes they saw it as roll call of a who’s who, if you had gotten close enough to this national treasure to witness him in the act of a sex crime, then you were really somebody.. until we told them it was disgusting. I read in astonishment the confessions, how these people supposedly at the head of their games, had in effect, formed a sort of joint enterprise with Savile (watch that Louis Theroux show again), to keep mum, to not report, to not alert the authorities. They had let his victims down again and again, all 1300 of them. We went for the ‘journalists’, and they were suddenly dumbstruck , uneasy at the laws they had just confessed to breaking (read up on joint enterprise and how they only ever use it to imprison black and brown people). If you knew a crime was taking place, and in some cases even witnessed it unfolding, and you did nothing to stop it, or to get help, then it is as if you had committed the crime yourself. That’s what the law says. Unless you are a British journalist and the problem is so huge, you have to make something up or risk losing the trust of the public, and your job.

What better way to get the feckless British public on side than ramp up the racism? Enable hate crimes? Create a hostile environment where the issue is no longer one of endemic sex abuse committed by the majority white population but an imported threat, one that can be tackled and contained. Assuage the racist British public’s sense of unease at their own shameful history by covering it up with a much less prolific (they keep trying to downplay Savile) but more attention grabbing cause du jour, one that they will wholeheartedly embrace. They’re all complicit, everyone comes out of this feeling much better about themselves, but if you really gave a shit about victims, you wouldn’t care about the colour of their skin. Actually, you’d acknowledge that sex abusers are overwhelmingly white and there is a correlation between white predators and the abuse of much smaller children, especially babies. Yep, that’s right, white sex abusers target babies. If you’re a parent then the truth should be a priority for you.

I would like to remind the Guardian that ‘risking everything’ to expose injustice is the very definition of journalism. You’re supposed to be brave and ‘speak truth to power’, a concept you profess to understand, ya melts. This sly dig at the BBC where Savile was a national treasure is a bit rich, not like the Guardian itself knows its own arse from its elbow (did Michael ever take Giles to court for that allegation? Am going to assume it’s true till he does). The guardian was as right wing as they get until the Tories won the last election, and now they’re back on the left, pretending to give a shit.

All supposedly Leftist media is heaving with racists and rapists of children, it is why they didn’t report on it themselves until they absolutely had no choice.

When will we hold the mainstream media to account for their involvement in the cover up of establishment sex abuses? For training our focus elsewhere and minimising the looming threat? For allowing these abuses to continue?

What do Uighurs, the Rohingya and Muslim Indians all have in common?

I wrote about the plight of the Uighurs recently, and asked whether we are looking in the right place to make sense of the reports coming out of China, that it has enacted a ‘final solution’ for its Muslim minority by placing them in ‘re-education’ camps and subjecting them to torture. China is not the only Asian country to have implemented oppressive measures with their Muslims minorities in mind, it follows Myanmar and its genocide of the Rohingya, not forgetting the momentous anti government protests erupting across India, in Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Kashmir and Karnataka, condemning a law which offers amnesty to all non Muslim migrants from neighbouring countries. Secularists oppose the law because of the distinction it makes on the basis of religion and how it undermines the Indian constitution. Earlier this year Modi’s far right fascist Hindutva government stripped 2 million people of their citizenship in the state of Assam. With each step, India has dehumanised its Muslim population so that it becomes easier to do with them what it will.

Laws do not erase human rights violations, Geneva Conventions exist for this reason. It was perfectly legal to keep slaves at one time, and to rape your spouse in Britain, as recently as the 90s. Laws are not magic, they are not ordained by a higher power. Law makers are often monsters, appeasing other monsters.

Perhaps India and Myanmar signed on to the same treaty Victor Gao repeatedly offered as an explanation for China’s actions. He insisted that the camps were within the remit of the law, and this was endorsed by 50 other countries. Modi is changing laws so that he too can glibly offer the same excuse when humanists come knocking at his door. Subtracting Myanmar, China and India from the total leaves 47 countries, and aren’t you interested to find out who they are? Shouldn’t we turn the spotlight on them and ask why they are signing treaties we are not privy to? These supposedly anti terror conventions could be closed door meetings on ‘The Muslim Problem’, with each nation slyly nudging and winking their way towards a Muslim Holocaust. The West is pulling all the strings, leaving developing Asian nations to hold the front line, reassuring them that without European human rights they are free to do as they wish, within the constraints of their own constitutions.

The West is still dividing and conquering, as it has done for 500 years, making promises to all enemies of Islam that they are stronger together in fighting a common enemy, except when the shit hits the fan, the west will sit back and feign complete ignorance. Oh, it threatens to take away our human rights (those laws standing between us and our respective failed states) but I now think this is just for show, to reassure our human rights defying allies we are not far behind. Theresa May promised an assault on our human rights almost 10 years ago, but we are still in possession of them. Boris vowed to do the same, when he was re-elected, but I’d like to see him try. He has since appealed to his critics for peace, knowing full well the conditions for an uprising are optimal. They cannot take our human rights away, it’s asking for trouble. Instead it is an empty threat, to reassure those who are already in breach of international law.

Aung San Suu Kyi should ask where all her western supporters are, now she is under investigations for human rights abuses at The Hague. China’s government should stop signing on to anything promoted by the west as a shared common interest because it hates China more than it has terrorism in common with them. India, in typically foolish fashion, must consider how it promised to be a world superpower by 2020 and how it has utterly failed in this respect, no doubt curtailed by all the broken promises western capitalists made, when it led us into a global recession. Modi’s critics grow daily, and the protests show no sign of waning.

Non white heads of state and leaders of nations should know by now they are just puppets in this system of white supremacy. It has been constructed in such a way to condemn anyone who resists it, as a terrorist, and to be an ally you have to submit to the notion whites are in fact supreme. Non whites will always be subordinates, tugging on the sleeve of their oppressively white big brother, scapegoated in the end as the real oppressor, because weak people who lack principles are so easy to stitch up.

Watch the west invade the east to save all the Muslims, just like they did the Jews, and how all protestations hinting to the actual truth will be dismissed as avoidance on the part of the perpetrators, just as Mehdi did with Gao.

History is doomed to repeat itself, because we deserve it.

Suella Braverman’s Cult Leader is a Serial Sex Offender

“The new attorney general is a member of a controversial religious sect which continues to venerate its founder despite well-documented claims that he was a serial sexual predator, the Observer can reveal.”

The Triratna order has been rocked by claims of sexual misconduct, abuse and inappropriate behaviour”

Is this why Suella has chosen once again to bring our attention back to Asian grooming gangs even though a Home Office report debunked these racist claims?

“Most child sexual abuse gangs made up of white men, Home Office report says”

If Suella cannot refer to guidance from her own office, what is her purpose, other than incitement to racial hatred? She made a plea to her fellow Indian partner in crime Rishi Sunak, head Hindutva, to tackle British Pakistani men exclusively, no doubt giving her paedo pals the cover to continue to abuse children. I wonder what is going on behind the scenes that Suella made this announcement seemingly out of nowhere. Perhaps it is to minimise the outrage around Ellie Williams, the daughter of a Labour councillor who made up a grooming gang and crowdfunded a legal case, only to be uncovered as a liar who smashed her own face in with a hammer. That is where malicious reporting of Asian grooming gangs will take you, when the white natives are so convinced of their coercive power they make shit up. Like Suella just did.

At a time when over 1000 police officers are clogging up the criminal justice system, many of them sexually violent offenders, plus an unofficial undisclosed number who have been granted anonymity so we don’t even know the true scale of the problem, the home secretary is pointing fingers at a tried and tested scapegoat.

Just 2 days ago this copper was sentenced for sexual assault. Another officer, from the same force (Yorks) was sentenced the day before that. There isn’t a day that goes by without another member of His Majesty’s Constabulary going down for gendered sexually violent crimes but Suella could not give a flying fuck. Rather, she seeks to minimise the reality, that is rainy fascist paedo island is the most rapey it has ever been.

The west will regret enabling the far right in India, and now in the UK. Hindutva are already rounding on Indian Christians, accusing them of taking over from the Muslims, coming under cover of aid, proselytising the poor. Yes, that is what missionaries do. It’s your fault you believed they were there for any other reason.

It would be remiss of anyone to assume that what Suella and Rishi are doing is the best for the British people.

Don’t wait until they come for your children.

The Criminal British Royal Family

In recent days Prince Harry has been promoting his new book, Spare.

Perhaps the most shocking revelation is that Prince William physically attacked Prince Harry, leaving him bruised and battered.

I’ve asserted for some time that the royal family is synonymous with domestic abuse, not least for the way in which they contributed to Diana’s poor mental health and ultimately her death. I would implore domestic abuse charities to speak out against them, if they are really invested in ending abuse, at every level of society. The elites set the bar, and it’s on the ground.

This country’s foundations are built on the whims of a womanising monarch. Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived. What a lovely little nursery rhyme. A nation built on the abuse of its most privileged women, a religion made up on the spot to enable him. History repeats itself, of this we can be sure, unless we make profound changes to the way we conduct ourselves, which appears to be what Prince Harry is attempting to do now, getting ahead of the propaganda, providing an option at least for another perspective, or the truth.

I am not surprised Prince William is physically violent as well as being emotionally abusive. He is being honed into the king of England, the most coddled man in all the land. You probably can’t hit him back, even if you are his brother, or else risk being charged, for treason/endangering the future King’s life. I suppose it’s the kind of entitlement that enables you to cheat on your wife and scapegoat your sister in law. I imagine Meghan Markle was shocked to discover her new brother in law is a lying cheating scumbag. The bottom fell out of her world when she realised he was behind the abuse she was getting.

I’ve been there, my blood also ran cold when I discovered that the people who should have had my back above all others were secretly pulling the ground away from underneath me. I understand the pain of having family members who want to see you dead. It is the most unsettling thing to be exposed and “fed to the wolves” by those you would have died to protect. They saw your need for love and emotion as a weakness, Harry. They see it as a flaw, because they cannot feel and have to denigrate anything they do not understand. That’s their loss.

It is not on you to fix this. It is on them to develop a conscience and empathise with you. If they are capable, that is. Otherwise any attempts on your part will be misconstrued, twisted into something else.

You cannot forgive them before they have asked for your forgiveness.

And even if they ever do, things can never be the way they were before.

This is a family that gives cover to child rapists, an intergenerational privilege if the stories are anything to go by. HRH the sweaty nonce Prince Andrew is given a free pass from the state and the mainstream press. Andrew isn’t threatened with expulsion from The Firm despite costing them a small fortune and bringing shame upon the family. Child exploitation hasn’t ruined their reputation quite in the same way as their mixed race daughter in law, showing us their priorities are dangerously muddled up. But that is how this tiny island off mainland Europe was able to bring the world to its knees, by committing the sorts of crimes that shake any decent person to the core, and getting away with it.

Harry is experiencing some kind of Stockholm Syndrome, something I have in the past experienced myself. You think there has to be a way, a route back to forgiveness, if we just do or say the right thing, we can make it all better. People who have been gaslighted by narcissistic sociopaths think like this, because the blame is always placed squarely at the victim’s feet. We do not control the violent tendencies of our abusers, it is not our fault, we don’t make anyone do anything. Rehabilitation only works if the other side are committed to fixing things and then, if they can be trusted to speak the truth. If they cannot even admit their wrongdoings, there is no case for a reconciliation.

Be content with a wife who loves you better than your own kin, Harry, and two beautiful children who are a testament to that. Some of us don’t even get that.

Caroline Farrow – Confirmed Member of Terrorist Organisation and Death Cult Kiwi Farms

On the 4th October prominent Catholic and Terf Caroline Farrow was arrested for malicious communications. At the time she posted this.

Caroline then spent the next few days shaping a narrative that her rights were being affected and she was being targeted by powerful trans people who were trying to silence her.

Mainstream news publications followed suit, manipulating the facts so that if you aren’t reading closely enough you might mistake it for another eyerolling Twitter spat, when it couldn’t be further from the truth.

In fact, Kiwi Farms isn’t mentioned until the 6th line.

I objected to this dishonest framing, as a victim of Kiwi Farms.

It is not a ‘gender critical’ forum where people can exercise their free speech.

To read this thread on Twitter click here

Readers of this blog are well aware of who and what Kiwi Farms is. Whilst the police have been forced to investigate Caroline, I am not hopeful anything will come of this. Why else would it have taken this long to even begin an investigation? The police were forced into action when it seemed that white owned businesses in a white country were going to be targeted for the purpose of terrorism.

If we achieve justice it will be an accident.

Kiwi Farms is the white supremacist state’s first line of defence against dissenters. Caroline isn’t bothered that its administration are nazis and paedophiles, proud brood mare though she is. It’s not her dear children they are targeting.

However as someone who has some background in child protection, I would suggest a review by social services into how she conducts herself and whether she is inadvertently putting her children at risk, neglecting their needs, by engaging a forum that is synonymous with child sex abusers. If she is in fact found guilty of joint enterprise by the police, her children might be taken into care. Such reckless behaviour from a woman who prides herself on her mothering. She’s not even denying it anymore though perhaps she is trying to confuse matters by showing herself as a different user to the one being investigated by the police. Using her own image she is saying has nothing to hide whereas it is entirely plausible she has a main and an alt account from which she can say what she really wants to.

Otherwise can we be sure it wasn’t her husband or even her 18 year old daughter?






(Is the Catholic church really ok with one of their members publicly aligning themselves with a terrorist nazi organisation? I suppose it’s nothing new)